Getting experience from

Cretan Culture

Immerse yourself in endless curiosity through a wide range of classes and groups on diverse topics, limited only by imagination. Each course offers a complete experience in Crete, where e-tools introduce children to the rich Cretan and Greek culture, the natural gifts of the land, and the local way of life. Crete was specifically chosen for its captivating stories, authentic people, and breathtaking landscapes, all of which come together to create the unique educational experience known as Creting.

This is what Creting is about!

Popular Cretings

We give children aged 3-18 the opportunity to create their own curriculum with interactive, unique lessons.
Learn how it works.

Why Choose Us?


Cultural events happen only at a specific period of the year, under specific circumstances.


Connect people with culture and whatever nature offers.


It starts in Crete concerning the general Greek culture.


It aims to transmit cultural heritage material to every corner of the earth.

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